

Welcome to the Burrowes Family of Broken Hill NSW, Australia, web site.

Access to this site is restricted to family members due to some of the personal information contained in the family tree.

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The site and access is managed by Garry Burrowes. The major families involved are the
Burrowes, Miller, Bessell, Tremelling and Smith from the Broken Hill area.

Data has now also been added for the Whitehead family in Australia
and the Simpson family from Canada.

I am currently trying to go back further into the Burrowes family.
So far I can only go as far as William Frederick Burrowes c1830 but his name may be Wilhelm Friedrich.

I have no other information on him. Below is the ancestors of my grandfather, George Stanley Burrowes.

George's ancestors

If you are a member of any of the families or want access, just email me for the login.

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2014 (c) Burrowes Family